Opinion 26.07.2017
Concentric is announced as a new partner of the London Co-Investment Fund
The London Co-investment Fund (LCIF) – the Mayor of London’s early stage business fund – has selected five new co-investment partners to join its existing Tech Fund.
We are delighted to announce that Concentric is one of five managers selected to be a partner of the London Co-Investment Fund. Concentric will co-invest with existing partners in cutting-edge tech start-ups – specialising in areas such as fintech, AI and big data – who are based in London and ready to accelerate their growth.
Since LCIF was launched in 2015, it has invested £14 million into 88 tech companies, which have attracted more than £98 million in external funding from its co-investment partners. LCIF has created more than 600 new jobs and safeguarded a further 250.
“Collaboration is at the centre of Concentric’ thinking and investment philosophy, and we appreciate and value the work London Co-investment Fund is carrying out. Thus we are delighted to join the LCIF partner network to further enhance and grow the London ecosystem and to fund world-class technology companies” – Kjartan Rist, Managing Partner, Concentric.
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