Plus, VCs are unique amongst investors in the added support they provide to founders, providing valuable mentorship and resources that can help them pivot, adapt, and grow, even in turbulent times. While startups are by their nature less established than incumbents, they also have the benefit of being more agile than larger firms, which can make it easier to adapt as markets shift – if they have the right investor support.

A return to VC craftsmanship

Over the last few years, venture investing has attracted new players, lured by booming valuations and the promise of bumper returns. Some of them have been burnt in the process and may take a while to return, but experienced VCs are taking it in their stride. After a quiet 2023, it’s time to get back to the basics of VC craftsmanship; providing risk capital, helping businesses to adapt and grow in the face of ever-evolving challenges, and ultimately driving innovation. In doing so, VC will demonstrate its continued vital contribution to resilience and economic recovery.